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Wondering About Happiness at Souhegan

Written By- McKenzie Robinson 


above video by Natalie Nelson

below video by Jack Reams


Are Souhegan students really happy? Do they even know what true happiness even is? In Natalie Nelson’s short documentary, she searches further into the happiness of students and faculty at Souhegan. This is Natalie’s final year at Souhegan, and throughout her 4 years she has been curious about what makes individuals happy. Natalie decided to go further into learning and developing the knowledge about what makes people truly happy and decided to tackle the happiness question for her Senior Project. Natalie is very excited about her Senior Project because she wants to inform students and others regarding real happiness and how happiness should be seen and used at Souhegan.

Through out Natalie’s research process she found information and concluded on what the happiness factor really is and how to improve happiness at Souhegan. “... most happiness comes from just eating and being with friends along with doing a sport or some type of activity at school.”, she stated.


Natalie’s own personal happiness shows with a smile but it also  shows from her activities involving exercise and being with others. “ I did a lot of research to show what factors of happiness  are and i found that exercise helps along with surrounding yourself with happy people.” Natalie stated. Her research proved what generates the happiness at Souhegan, she also stated, “... Souhegan students tend to be happier than others because of the facility and faculty, everyone around here is happy and it makes all the students as well feel happy.”  Natalie, during her research and interviews  with others explained, “ I saw happiness through all those people and wanted to go more into researching how their happiness is from, and i found all their happiness came from family, activities with friends, and playing a sport or just doing something involving exercise.” Natalie Nelson’s project has changed the way people should look at happiness, it has also made a brighter and clearer perspective on how happy a community Souhegan is.


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