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By: Kristin Meader and Tess White


When John Ranta assigned his video production class an assignment to make a five minute documentary on something that they found interesting, Anna Redway, a sophomore, went back and forth on what topic to do it on. In the end, she chose music. Anna has always been a fan of music and has been playing piano for 7 years. It is what made her want to make the documentary. “I really enjoy playing the piano, it is what inspired me to make this video!”


The documentary featured her piano teacher, Kim Whitehead, and students from Souhegan that share her love for piano and have been involved in music since they were little. Anna put a lot of work into this video. “It took a lot of time because we had to interview a lot of people and get B-Roll footage of people playing the piano and musical things. And it took me an even longer time to edit and pull it all together”.


When we asked how she liked the video, she said, “It was a lot better than I expected it to be, because at the end it was very satisfying to see how it all came out!”. She also thinks that it’s good for kids to know how to make these videos because you never know when you’ll need a skill like this and its useful to have.”


When asked what she wanted people to take away from her documentary she said, “How music, whether or not you think about it, is always a part of your life.”

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